7 Ways to Increase Communication with HOA Board Members & Residents

7 Ways to Increase Communication with HOA Board Members & Residents

7 Ways to Increase Communication with HOA Board Members & Residents

In our experience at PMI Profit Realty, effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful HOA. Most of the common HOA complaints stem from the same issue: a lack of communication. 

Here are seven strategies we use to foster communication between HOA board members, members of the community, and our HOA management team.

1. Develop a Useful Website

Creating a dedicated website for your HOA can be a central hub for communication. It should include contact information, community guidelines, event calendars, and an FAQ section. This platform is an accessible and reliable source of information for all members. When updated regularly, residents will come to rely upon it and check there first before reaching out with questions. 

2. Regular, Easy-to-Attend Meetings

Holding regular open meetings is an excellent way to encourage direct communication. Offering a Zoom or remote option will help, too. These meetings allow homeowners to voice their concerns, offer suggestions, and stay informed about the community's operations and decisions. So, offering a remote option will delight anyone struggling to attend a regular in-person meeting. 

3. Send Useful Newsletters

Don't just send a newsletter for the sake of sending it - make it useful! 

Regular newsletters are an effective way to keep homeowners updated, but there needs to be something in there besides parking regulations and community reminders. Mention a local restaurant that just opened, or ask residents for contributions ahead of time so they can share any diamonds in the rough they've found locally. Your newsletter readers will thank you, and hopefully, you'll hang on to a few more readers who need to see those occasional parking updates, too. 

Keep them short, and ensure any key points are easily found at the beginning of the newsletter.

4. Use Social Media Intentionally

Social media platforms can be powerful tools for real-time updates and engagement - but they can also become overused and irrelevant if they're not properly managed. Posting regular updates, event reminders, and important notices on platforms like Facebook or Instagram can increase visibility and engagement among homeowners. But remember, just like your newsletter - you have to pepper in interesting local events, business, or other resident suggestions. 

5. Prompt Responses to Emails and Calls

No secrets here. Ensuring timely and helpful responses to emails and questions from homeowners demonstrates that the board is attentive and values member input. This responsiveness can significantly boost member satisfaction and participation.

6. Establish a Routine Approval Process

Having a transparent and routine process for handling requests and concerns can streamline communication. This structured approach makes it easier for homeowners to engage with the board and get timely resolutions.

7. Partner with a Professional HOA Management Company

Partnering with a professional community management company can significantly enhance communication efforts. We bring expertise in managing HOA communications efficiently, providing tools and strategies to keep members informed and engaged.

We use these seven standards in our business and hope they'll be helpful to you, whether you're self-managing your association or considering changing to a new management company. 

Sam Maropis

PMI Profit Realty


